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We are only as strong as our community.

The power of the word “connection” is that it has the characteristic potential to express and illuminate a vast array of definitions, connotations, and even, actions. Whether it’s applied to mean the alignment of many scattered points, whether the word is intended to evoke a sense of community, to present as the role of centralizing a broad network, as a means to pair questions to answers, link needs with solutions, to unite; connection spans the far-reaching spaces of humanity and goodwill.

But more profoundly, and certainly more importantly, through this singular word, “connection” brings all of these concepts together.

The word has created a through-line that circles back on itself, encompassing countless ideas and ideals. When you look at it through the lens of the Association of Community Ministries, they dynamically embody each of these sentiments. What’s more, ACM has become a definition of the word unto itself: in a way that reaches to the corners of Louisville, in a way that effectively fulfills the city’s needs, in a way that changes lives.

As a resource, a collective of organizations, an outlet for emergencies, and a hub of advocacy, ACM draws together these pieces of provision within the city, and in doing so, effectively elevates the concept of connection. Because they don’t just characterize “connection” in what they do. They characterize what it means to connect in who they are: as an Association, as a Community, and as a Ministry.